Ge jie- salty, neutral, LU, K
1. Fortifies kidney yang
2. Tonifies lung qi
3. Augments essence
4. Calms wheezing and coughs

Bu Gu Zhi- does function 1, 3, 4- helps the kidney grasp lung qi to help wheezing or coughing (this herb is bitter, pungent, very warm and enters kidney and spleen channels)

Hu Tao Ren (walnut)- does funtion 2,3,4 and also moistens the intestines. (sweet, warm, and enters kidney, lung, large intestine channels)

*These herbs are almost always used together although Bu Gu Zhi could almost entirely replace all the funtions of Ge Jie with the exception of Hu Tao Ren tonifying the lung more.
* this substitution is warm-very warm and there is no salty quality however in the commentary of the Materia Medica it states that ge jie is "strongly warming to the kidney yang". If you patient has an issue with heat you could also add Bo He (mint) to clear and disperse heat and circulate lung qi to treat wheezing and coughs.

If you have any suggestions please comment!
9/3/2013 02:14:42 pm

TCM is definetly a great alternative in this crazy modern medicine world... I helped me a few months ago with a terrible back pain.
I strongly recommend it


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