sweet, neural and enters the kidney, liver and lung channels
1. Tonifies liver blood
2. Moistens the lung yin
3. Replineshes kidney essence
4. Stops bleeding

Gou Qi Zi (goji berries)-  does funciton 1,2,3 and also nourishes kidney yin. This herb is sweet, cool and enters the liver and heart channels
Xian He Cao-  does funtion 2 and 3 and also stops chronic diarrhea and vaginal discharge from damp heat. (this herb is bitter, acrid, neutral, and enters the liver, spleen lung)
Dong Chong Xia Cao (cordyceps)-  does function 2,3- also gently tonifies kidney yang, stops cough, wheezing and sweating.** This is sweet, slightly warm, and enters the lung and kidney (if you use this herb in combination with one or both of the previous herbs it will make the temperature neutral like Ejiao. Otherwise it will be slightly cool. This herb also enters the kidney channel while the others do not.

Thanks to give me these type of information


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